Swedish Government’s proposal for production incentives is ready

The discount on production expenses is proposed to be 25%

It is now clear what the government’s proposal for production incentives for film and drama series productions looks like. The production incentive will contribute to both regional growth throughout the country and strengthen the Swedish film industry. The proposal, which includes search criteria, is now being referred to authorities, organisations and other stakeholders.

  • The film and television industry has developed so strongly that it can drive regional growth. With the jobs provided by the production incentive, we can retain film competence in Sweden, strengthen the re-growth of Swedish film and promote regional development, says Minister of Culture Jeanette Gustafsdotter.

The production incentive works as a discount on production expenses. The support is structured to benefit both the film and television industry and contribute to regional growth. The incentive makes Sweden more attractive for large productions, both international and Swedish. It provides jobs in many other industries, not least in the hospitality industry. The fact that Swedish filmmakers have the financial means to locate production in Sweden also benefits the transfer of skills to new generations of filmmakers.

The Government’s proposal for production incentives applies to the production of feature films, documentaries, drama series or documentary series. It is proposed to be handled by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. It covers SEK 100 million per year, permanently from 2022. The discount on production expenses is proposed to be 25%.

To apply for the grant, the following conditions are proposed:

  • that production is carried out in whole or in part in Sweden
  • that the production’s total budget amounts to at least SEK 30 million for feature films, at least SEK 10 million for documentaries, at least SEK 10 million per episode for drama series or at least SEK 5 million per episode for documentary series
  • that the eligible costs for production amount to at least SEK 4 million
  • that the financing of production is secured in the part for which support is not sought
  • The proposal for the design of the regulations that have been produced within the Government Offices is now being sent for consultation. The consultation response must be submitted no later than 8 August. The ambition is for the government to make a decision on the ordinance by September.

The proposal for the design of the regulations that have been produced within the Government Offices is now being sent for consultation. The consultation response must be submitted no later than 8 August. The ambition is for the government to make a decision on the ordinance by September.

Swedish Minister of Culture Jeantte Gustafsdotter. Photo: Ninni Andersson/Regeringskansliet

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